Sunday, August 17, 2014

What is the Best Single Thing You Can Do For Your Health?

I really love it when I find others who say things better than I can.  You know if you are a patient of mine or have been in the past, you have heard me say "Now it is time to get fit...I don't care what you do, but I want you to do it.  You really don't want me to pick the program for you!"  Everyone generally laughs and agrees, because they are afraid that I will ask them to do what I do and most of you know what that is already.  

Here is an excellent example of someone who says it better than I.  So grab something to drink and sit just a little and enjoy his video.

Sooooo, Can you limit your sitting and sleeping to 23 1/2 hours a day?  Hmmm?

If you are experiencing any kind of pain that is limiting your ability to move, you know what I am going to say!  "Everyone Deserves a Good Mechanical Assessment and Treatment Plan."  Visit  or call 504-228-0524 to schedule your evaluation today.

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