Monday, December 15, 2014

Want to Improve the Depth of Your Squat? Rapidly?

Having done several Functional Movement Screens  and Selective Functional Movement Assessments, I have come to learn that most squat limitations are due to a lack of dorsiflexion of the ankle.  Always looking for ways to come up with a quick fix and accepting my coach, Raul Filpo's challenge to find a way to improve his dorsiflexion and mine, I found a solution.

Inspired by a treatment technique called Total Motion Release, I chose to exercise the plantar flexors in a round of 3 sets of 15 and then retest.  The results were dramatic to say the least.  I was able to gain 25% in range of motion in one set.  I wish I knew this the last time I did "Karen" ( 150 Wall Ball for time) and was no-repped at least 50 times for insufficient depth in the squat.

Raul Filpo's, owner of  FixCi CrossFit, method of dorsiflexion testing was used as well as the squat as a way to gauge improvements.  Keeping your heel on the ground, bend your knee touching the box (or a wall) and measure how far from the box your toes are with your heel on the ground.  Have a partner place a dollar bill under your heel to make sure your heel remains in contact with the ground...Record the distance because we are using this later for comparison.

Here is a a video taken of 4 individuals who did not have prior knowledge of the stretch.  They were instructed to perform a squat with their heels on the ground to the best of their ability.  We then measured dorsiflexion as described above, performed the therapeutic exercise as I prescribed, then measure the dorsiflexion afterwards.  I had them do the prescribed exercise again for another round of 3 sets of 15 and the results were amazing.  Rachel increased her dorsiflexion on her right ankle 2 inches and on her left 1 1/2 inches!  All participants increased at least one ankle an inch.  It really is remarkable.

Make sure you test your squat for depth before you perform this miraculous and ridiculously simple maneuver as a test/ retest like Kelly Starrett of MobilityWOD likes to do with all his mobility exercises. Pay attention to the depth of your squat as well as to the position of your torso.

Perform 3 sets of  15 unilateral toe raises on the side that had the most dorsiflexion.  Retest both dorsiflexion measurements.  Did you get more range of motion?  Retest your squat.  Did you drop lower with a more upright trunk?  Then do it again on the other side.  Did your range of motion increase even more?   Thought so.  You are so welcome!  I know you are thanking me for this!

This would make an awesome research project for someone who was willing to take the challenge on.  I would do it, but I am getting ready to go back to school next month and really don't know what it will all entail.

Here's to endless below parallel wall balls, air squats, squat cleans, and overhead squats!  Maybe we all be doing these unilateral toe raises before we do any workout involving squats...What do you think?  Give it a try.

Please let me know how this this works for you.  You can leave a comment below or video yourself doing this.  I would sure appreciate it if you would.   If you want to learn more about Total Motion Release, the FMS or the SFMA and how they can work for your individual issues give me a call.

You know what I am going to say, "Everyone Deserves a Good Mechanical Assessment and Treatment Plan!"  Call 504-228-0524 or visit to set up your evaluation today.

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