Sunday, July 13, 2014

I Want You to Bend Your Finger Backwards Until It Hurts!

WHAT????  Yes, you heard me right.  Go ahead and do this while I explain... Just like this.
This is how Robin McKenzie the founder of MDT (Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy) helps to describe mechanical pain.  You first bend your finger backwards until you feel a strain.  You know this only hurts a little or is slightly uncomfortable, unless you leave it there in this position.  As you do, you will notice that the pain will continue to worsen.  Instinctively you know that once you release this position, it no longer hurts and there is no lasting damage.  However, if you go further into the painful range and keep the finger in a overstretched position the pain will continue even after you left the strain off.  

"If you fail to heed the warning and keep the finger in the overstretched position, the ligaments and surrounding soft tissue that hold the joint together will eventually tear." 1  

Now go ahead and stretch your finger back even more and hold it there until I tell you to stop.  Now you are feeling more than discomfort and may actually feel pain.  This is the same thing that happens in your spine if you overstretch the ligaments!  Imagine the cumulative effect this can have on your spine if you sit or work in poor posture.  This can even happen if you lift excessive weights, fall, play contact sports or even if you are involved in a car accident.  Generally it is the overstretching of the ligaments that initially cause your pain.  If you are wise, you will stop the overstretching of these tissue before there is lingering pain and more damage that can occur to your discs in your spine.  It is amazing to me that so many people fail to heed the warning their backs are giving them.  They continue to sit in a slouched posture, work in bent positions, continue to lift heavier and heavier weight even though they are experiencing this type of pain.

So try to avoid prolonged slouched postures and reverse the stress on your ligaments before the damage becomes too great.  

No go ahead and let your fingers relax.  Doesn't that feel better?  I thought so.  Now, give your poor aching back a break and stretch backwards for a change.  For most of you, this will feel great and give your poor overstreched spinal ligaments a well deserved break.  For some of you, however, you will continue to feel the pain long after the stretch is reversed.  If this is the case or if you have any pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness when doing this you know what I am going to say.  "Everyone Deserves a Good Mechanical Assessment and Treatment Plan!"  Visit  or call 504-228-0524 to set up your evaluation today.

1  McKenzie, Robin (2011).  Treat Your Own Back, Spinal Publications, New Zealand Ltd.

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