trigger points.
Trigger points are commonly referred to as "knots" in muscles. They are formed when muscles are injured, overused or referred from other areas. They are painful to touch and may also refer pain themselves.
If you get a massage you know when they have found a trigger point. They will concentrate on that area and "dig" around the area. It is one of those hurts so good kind of feelings. If your massage is too aggressive, it may feel good at the time, but the trigger point will persist and may even hurt more later on.

In areas that are difficult to reach you can use a thera cane that I have linked to Amazon here, a regular cane or umbrella. I also like to use racquetballs to lie on. You can tie two racquetballs together in a tube sock and place under the base of your skull for a general relaxation or use a single ball on a trigger point. These balls are much gentler and I feel more effective on reducing trigger points than lacrosse balls.
Let me know how this works for you!
Please understand that this self-technique will help you manage your trigger points but will not resolve the reason why you are getting them in the first place. If you want to get to the root of your problems, you know what I am going to say! "Everyone Deserves a Good Mechanical Evaluation and Treatment Plan!" Call 504-228-0524 or visit to set up your appointment today!
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