Sunday, August 24, 2014

Low Back Pain - - Red Flags and Yellow Flags

Although he makes no reference to what I do, perhaps, he hasn't been exposed to McKenzie MDT or Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy yet; he does a great job explaining red flags and yellow flags in this video.  An MDT assessment screens for all of these flags.  Low back pain is very common.  I don't want you to think that you have a disability when your physician orders further testing such as an MRI.  You can read my thoughts on these from a previous blog here (What About MRI's?)  This is no excuse for bed rest, or to stop exercising unless your doctor says so.  Staying active and having a positive attitude actually help to decrease your pain!  One of the worst things for common low back pain is avoiding activity.  "Motion is Lotion!"  If you are afraid to move, I recommend you get a good mechanical assessment.

Although uncommon in my practice, I have found metastatic cancers, ruptured and extruded disc problems that have required surgery, avascular necrosis of the femoral head, and other red and yellow flags during my evaluations.  I am often amazed at the power these assessments provide.  Just this week I had a patient who was really worried that her low back pain was being referred from her uterus.  After a thorough assessment her back pain was found to be mechanical providing her with great relief.  She is now on her way to a speedy recovery.

Even though low back pain is very common and easily managed it may be something serious.  If you have night pain, 10 out of 10 pain on an analog scale,  fever with your back pain, you are an IV drug abuser, you have osteoporosis or you have back pain after a fall,  if you have lost weight in the last 3 months you cannot explain, or have a previous history of lung, prostate or breast cancer, morning stiffness that lasts longer than an hour then you really need to get your back pain checked out.  If you have difficulty starting the process of urination or lose your bowel and/or bladder control, have numbness in the saddle (groin or rectal) area  you should seek immediate medical attention.  This means GO TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM.  This is serious!

You can rest assured that if your back pain is not rapidly reducible, you will be referred to the appropriate practitioner for further testing and follow up.  You know what I am going to say..."Everyone Deserves a Good Mechanical Assessment and Therapy Plan!"  Visit or call 504-228-0524 to set up yours today.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

What is the Best Single Thing You Can Do For Your Health?

I really love it when I find others who say things better than I can.  You know if you are a patient of mine or have been in the past, you have heard me say "Now it is time to get fit...I don't care what you do, but I want you to do it.  You really don't want me to pick the program for you!"  Everyone generally laughs and agrees, because they are afraid that I will ask them to do what I do and most of you know what that is already.  

Here is an excellent example of someone who says it better than I.  So grab something to drink and sit just a little and enjoy his video.

Sooooo, Can you limit your sitting and sleeping to 23 1/2 hours a day?  Hmmm?

If you are experiencing any kind of pain that is limiting your ability to move, you know what I am going to say!  "Everyone Deserves a Good Mechanical Assessment and Treatment Plan."  Visit  or call 504-228-0524 to schedule your evaluation today.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

I Didn't Do It Enough So I Lost It!

You better believe I am doing it now though.  What am I referring to?  Mobility.  Especially in my overhead reach department.  When I first started CrossFit 2 1/2 years ago I was unable to squat with my arms overhead.  Crazy!  Boy, was that an eye opener for me.

Impossible 2 1/2 years ago

As soon as I raised my arms overhead with or without a PVC pipe, I couldn't bend my knees.  Ridiculous!  I have been exercising my entire life in some form or fashion, but never really got the mobility thing going until now.  I am now able to do this thanks to my wonderful CrossFit coaches.  I feel this may be my greatest accomplishment at the box up to this point.  I know I have worked very hard to gain this motion and I am not going to lose it now!

I had been messing around with Kelly Starrett's Mobilitywod and really like what he is doing.  He is a fellow physcial therapist/CrossFitter who is helping thousands of people improve their mobility with a few tools.  You can check out his website here.  

However, what I am really excited about is something that has  come up on my radar this past year or so...the Ido Portal Movement Culture.  He has challenged everyone to hang for a total of 7 minutes for 30 days to help increase mobility, strength and quality of movement. Believe me, this sounds easy, but it isn't.  Check out his website for more information and follow him on Facebook.  People from all over the world with varying levels of strength and mobility are taking on this challenge.  His recent blog post about his challenge is here.  Read the entire post before you start.  There is a ton of valuable information in it.  

Who knows?  Maybe this will be the ticket to my mobility problems, and possibly yours.  I know I feel much better after only 4 days of the challenge.  I cannot wait to see the difference in 30 days!   If you have any shoulder problems it might be wise to check with your doctor first.  You know I did, and he is doing the challenge with me.  So here's to hanging out.

Of course, if you are having pain and loss of motion it would probably be a good idea to get a good mechanical assessment.  You never know, it might just be rapidly reversible.  You know what I always say, "Everyone Deserves a Good Mechanical Assessment and Treatment Plan!"  Visit or call 504-228-0524 to set up your evaluation today.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

I Won't Do That Again! That's What Hurt My Back or Neck!

That might be a good idea, depending on what you did.  But then again, it might be a bad idea!   As I have said many times before it wasn't what you did, like getting the groceries out of the trunk of the car, feeding your cat, mowing the lawn,  tying your shoelaces, making the bed, or even deadlifting in the gym (if done correctly) that brought on your pain.  It merely was the last straw.  The straw that broke the camel's back so to speak.

If you have untreated pain every time you exercise, or every time you sit or stand, then maybe you are adding straws and shouldn't do these things until you seek appropriate treatment.  However, when you receive a Mechanical Diagnosis and Treatment plan,  the evaluation and your treatment may actually produce or increase your symptoms.  This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it gives your clinician the information they need to help you to make yourself better.  Often you are repeating a painful movement until it becomes non-painful.  Crazy!  Not really but in the case of derangements or scar tissue this is true.

You will also hear me say "How do we know if this is working until you exercise (or bend over to feed the cat or tie your shoelaces) again?"  In MDT or the McKenzie Method an important part of your treatment is what we refer to as "Return to Function."  I will actually encourage you to return to those activities that initially brought on your painful symptoms as part of your recovery plan of action.  I feel that you need to add stress to the system to encourage a stronger healing response.  So yeah, I will tell you to get back to the gym with a few modifications and let's see how it goes.  If you are no worse then great!  If you are, then generally it was just a little bit too soon, but you can bet on it, I will ask you to try again soon.  For those of my patients who don't exercise, they will as part of their recovery.   I even have a battery of exercises that actually stress the injury to let me know how well you are healing before I send you back to the gym!

I feel a failed result of any treatment would be someone who feared and actually avoided returning to sport, exercise, or the activity that brought on their pain.

  I want you to know what I know, how to treat it yourself, and how to get back to doing the things you love (and even hate) to do.  So if you are having any pain with or without activity you know what I am going to say..."Everyone Deserves a Good Mechanical Assessment and Treatment Plan!"  Visit or call 504-228-0524 to set up your evaluation today.

Sorry!  Can't get you out of mowing the lawn when you are better.  Your back will feel good in spite of the chore though.